track my order

Do you want to track your order but do not know how to do it? Follow these simple steps to get the requested information:

Recover your tracking number:

Once your order is placed, we will ship it on average within 48 working hours after receiving the order. Your tracking number is automatically updated in your personal space, and you also receive it automatically by email or SMS, along with the carrier's name and a link to their site.

If you did not create an account when ordering, you can create one using the email address you provided when ordering.

(Do not forget to check the email address via the automatic email that will be sent to you)

Step 1 : Connect:

Step 2: Recover your tracking number:

Once connected, you need to locate your order number and click on it to view it. You can then recover your invoice and your tracking number.

You can simply click the tracking number to track your item directly.

Note: If your shipment number is not present, your order has not yet been shipped. In this case, please feel free to contact us at So we can help you.

If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact us by email at .