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- Figurines - Moose toys - Skull Island glacier dungeon - Treasury x
Here is the new set of play Treasure X Lost Lands Skull Island! It includes 15 levels of adventure! Screw the traps and discovers 2 miniature figurines! Will you discover a real gold treasure? There are 3 sets of Treasury Tour gaming to collect! 15 adventure levels! The set of play Tour de Glass Treasure X Lost Lands Skull Island has 15 levels of adventure to discover! Throughout your adventure, discovers 2 miniature figurines, and pierces the well -kept secrets of the temple while thwarting the traps in your quest for the treasure in real gold! Will you be able to survive the sticky swamp and the bridge, to take yourself from the treasure and get out of it alive? A real gold treasure? There are 3 treasures to be found in the Treasure Treasure X Lost Lands towers! Explore the ice tower to get your hands on the real gold skull of Treasure X! 1 out of 12 sets contain a real gold treasure. Three different game sets The Treasure Treasure Treasure Box X Lost Lands Skull Island has 3 laps to explore. Go to the adventure in the swamp tower, the lava tower and the ice tower. Contains: 1 set of play 2 characters 2 accessories 1 treasure 1 user manual 35 g of "sticky swamp
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